Forums / Developer / Strange problem with flash files - anybody has some hints?

Strange problem with flash files - anybody has some hints?

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Georg Franz

Friday 03 March 2006 8:24:46 am


I've got a really strange - not reproducable - error at displaying flash files.

Short story:
-) Some users are seeing the flash files
-) Some users not.

The reason for "not seeing the flash file" is:
Some Users dont get the last 15 bytes of the flash file from the server, the file isn't complete.

So, I've tried many things to nail down the error.

-) The html-code is correct.
-) It's not a browser issue. (Tried with many different browsers)
-) It's not a flash version issue.
-) It's not a permission issue.

On the homepage, there are 3 flash files which are taken out of ez (dynamicly).

the ezmedia.tpl produces the html, there is (example) following source path for the flash:
(which is standard)

This isn't working (in my situation)

If I take the new filepath (with $attribute.content.filepath) at ALL three flashes (like var/myaccess/storage ...) it works perfectly.

(If there is at least one "/content/download/..." source given, it doesn't work).

So it seems to be a "header" (or "connection too fast closed"?) problem, but could be anything else of course.

Had anyone a similar problem like that? Any hints where to search?

My environment:
ez 3.7.3 // php 4.4.2 // apache 2.0.54 // debian

Best wishes,

Best wishes,

-- Horoskop website which uses eZ Publish since 2004

Steph A

Wednesday 08 March 2006 11:17:45 am

I had something similar when I was trying to read a XML file dynamicly. After some testing I made it work by moving my .swf file to another folder. In this case to the "design/images" folder. This of course if the .swf file is standard.

Not totally sure of what you are trying to do with the .swf file, but is it reading from content (dynamicly)? or just showing some animation ect (static)?

It seems to me like a permission or template syntax problem.

Michal Slocinski

Tuesday 30 November 2010 10:48:47 am

I just had exactly same problem with eZ Publish 4.3 :-/

Last 25 (in my case) bytes were not downloaded from the server. Your workaround worked for me.

Patrick Kaiser

Tuesday 30 November 2010 11:43:17 am

Hi Georg,

hope you are fine!

Maybe it has something to do with the content-disposition header, but not sure if this is true for your old ez version. See for more details.

Also make sure that content-length headers are set (for the swf itself and for all dynamicly loaded assets), although this only seems to be importent for Internet Explorer.

Best wishes.

Best regards,
