Forums / Developer / Strange pagelayout and pageheader problem

Strange pagelayout and pageheader problem

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Steph A

Friday 30 December 2005 1:49:04 pm

Okay, I have made a new class "ads". I as it is with ads - I would like to know how many click them, when ect..ect... - all this I have done, and its working fine.

When a user clicks on a ad - a new (_blank) window appears (with new pagelayout and page header), there is a 1 sec dealy (for registering the click) and the user is sent to the specified "ad" url.

....but, when the new window (ad) is closed - and ANY button is pressed (search, login ect) then the SAME thing happends, the pagelayout changes to the one supposed to be ONLY when viewing ads?

This only happends when pressing buttons...

Any ideas?