Forums / Developer / Storing/export datas from survey extension

Storing/export datas from survey extension

Author Message

H-Works Agency

Monday 06 February 2006 7:57:42 am

Hi all,

I made a survey extension to ezp.

Which way should i handle the storing/export of those datas ?

Debian/apache2/php4/mysql4/EZP 3.7.3


EZP is Great

Marco Zinn

Monday 06 February 2006 10:35:01 am

Hm, did you see this?


H-Works Agency

Friday 10 February 2006 8:06:19 am

Ok thanx, but is there any precise documentation on ezp libraries ?

I mean php classes and functions to create extensions ?

Like how to insert an object from extension ? How to retrieve Session vars ?...etc

Thanx for this amazing system.


EZP is Great