Forums / Developer / sorting of content is not working?.........why?????

sorting of content is not working?.........why?????

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jayaraj mohan

Tuesday 15 January 2008 10:18:38 pm

Hi all,

In my ez publish site sorting of content is not working. But some times its working fine and many times its not working. In my admin page its updated well but i cant get it in user page.

I have clear all caches but not working any one please guide me to overcome this...

Thanks in advance..


André R.

Wednesday 16 January 2008 12:51:09 am

A bit more info would be useful if you really want a response..

For instance is this your own fetch code?
Or is it on some out of the package feature?
If so, what package? ( ezwebin, plain_site or ezflow )
Is this in the menus, in line relation sub lists, the comments on the articles or in the folders?
What eZ Publish version are we talking about here?

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

jayaraj mohan

Wednesday 16 January 2008 1:27:56 am

ez publish 3.5.2

db : mysql

It is updated fine in admin panel but not reflected in user side

Please give ideas.....

jayaraj mohan

Thursday 17 January 2008 9:40:22 pm

Thanks, I have fixed it...