Forums / Developer / [solved] Digest screws up

[solved] Digest screws up

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Clemens T

Tuesday 22 November 2005 5:44:13 am

Heya all,

The digest of ezpublish 3.7.0 screws up. It does not work when I try to use it (even on a somewhat fresh install of 3.7.0). I only use the '/notification/settings' to interact with ezpublish.

Does everyone have this problem? Is it a bug/feature? Please let me know WHAT you need to help me solve this problem.. cause my customers would like the digest!


Clemens T

Wednesday 23 November 2005 3:27:03 pm

The problem occurs in:

on line:78

75    function eventContent( $eventID )
76    {
77        $event = eZNotificationEvent::fetch( $eventID );
78        return array( 'result' => $event->content() );
79    }

The $event variable is an array() (when running the notification cronjob), so the ->content() function cannot be called on an array ( at best at it's elements.. but that's not the case in the ezcore file). So, again: is this a bug?


Frederik Holljen

Thursday 24 November 2005 1:23:03 am

What behavior do you experience? (and what do you expect?)

Clemens T

Thursday 24 November 2005 1:33:33 am

case: Ok, I have a few contentobjects.. and I'd like to know when they change. Problem is: if I change like 40 of them, my customers get 40 mails. The best thing would be to di-gest them in 1 mail, so 'they' don't see it as spam.

current di-gest behaviour:

Mail is NOT sent, and I get the following error on runcronjobs.php (with debug output):

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /opt/guide/ on line 79 Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below. 

I believe this error is caused by the ->content() function on the array().. the array() is not an object, but the elements IN te array are objects.

problem is: this could lead to an inconsistent database.

note: the objects that are 'digested' still exist, so that's not the issue with the non-object fatal error.


Expected behaviour:
The mail we sent to people is bundled (digested) in 1 mail which is sent on the proper time.

Nathan Sharp

Friday 09 December 2005 5:28:18 pm

I have the same problem. Looks like a bug in eznotificationevent::fetch. Edit kernel/classes/notification/eznotificationevent.php and change the fetch function to call ezpersistentobject::fetchObject instead of fetchObjectList:

    function fetch( $eventID )
        return eZPersistentObject::fetchObject( eZNotificationEvent::definition(),
                                                        null,  array( 'id' => $eventID ));

Clemens T

Sunday 11 December 2005 1:50:56 pm

Can't believe someone of the ezpublish crew doesn't answer this one..
I'll see if I can fix it tomorrow!

Thanks.. I'll let you know if it worked!

Kåre Køhler Høvik

Sunday 11 December 2005 11:06:06 pm

We've now started looking at it.

Kåre Høvik

Clemens T

Monday 12 December 2005 12:42:25 pm

Nathan, well done.. that seems to be the problem.

Really a tough one!

I'm now going to test it extensively.. to make sure it works on all possible ways. If no new subpost here.. then it's fixed.

Thanks again!!