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SOAP interface methods available

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Robert Fokken

Friday 27 May 2011 3:43:29 am


For my company we are developing a new website.We are still looking for a Cms. Now i was at the Dutch PHP conference where i had some to talk to Nicolas Pastorino. He told me a lot about the Ez Publish and i also visited his presentation session of eZ publish and Mobile / REST.

For our website we are developing the front-end ourself. Now we want to use eZ publish as a CMS. This is only to maintain and provide the front-end with content. We want to use SOAP to make our information available to the front-end (and yes we will use caching :) )

The rapid application developement (with structures) and the interface of eZ publish look great. But i was kind of curious if it is possible to fetch data structures for example an: "Article"

I have had a look at soapadmin wich provides nice methods to clear template cache etc. But not a really good example of how to extract other information from the Cms like an Article.

And there is no WSDL support available i read? You have to make one your own or did somebody already made it?

To make a long story short:

- Is there a SOAP interface to fetch data structures? (like e.a. "Article" )

- Is there an example of somebody doing it?

- Is there somebody who already prepared a WSDL for it?

- Is there maybe a possibilty to use eZ publish as a library and call components like e.a. a poll with methods in our own front-end?

I hope i used the right forum for this question. Anyway thanks for making it to the end of this question :)


Robert Fokken

Jérôme Vieilledent

Friday 27 May 2011 4:55:06 am

Hi Robert

I don't get your usecase... Where are you going to pull your data from ? I don't understand your use of SOAP here.

But anyway, you can check Gaetano's extension ggWebservices, which have nice features for webservices, including SOAP.

Robert Fokken

Friday 27 May 2011 5:47:03 am


Hi Robert

I don't get your usecase... Where are you going to pull your data from ? I don't understand your use of SOAP here.

But anyway, you can check Gaetano's extension ggWebservices, which have nice features for webservices, including SOAP.


Hello Jéróme,

Thanks for your quick response! I will check ggWebservices and that looks promising.

In my case we want to pull data from the eZ publish database to our website. Best way to do this is by using webservices. Since we have a system that integrates SOAP (by using wsdl) we want to use SOAP to do it.

Let's say we want to get a node structure from the eZ publish system. We want to do a webservice soap method call to let say "getEZPublishStructureTree". Then it returns an array of nodes.

Does this make it more clear?

Or maybe i have the wrong approach here. Maybe i should fix this in the workflow? After a publish call one of our own webservices to refresh the navigation node structure on the site? And then clear cache?



Jérôme Vieilledent

Friday 27 May 2011 6:03:19 am

Mmm, I think the best way would be to use the new REST interface instead, as it is fast, secured and easily extendable. Plus, it has its own cache (currently not linked to content publication though, only TTL based).

You could develop your own REST services (check the doc here) to fit your needs, or use the built-in ones.

What do you think ?