Forums / Developer / Smart cache clearing with workflow

Smart cache clearing with workflow

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Tom Nason

Wednesday 16 December 2009 8:19:23 pm

I have 3 levels of admin user:


Contributor - can update existing pages, add images to gallery
Editor - can add pages + contributor access
Publisher - can approve changes made by contributor/editor + editor access


Smart cache is used to clear the cache for pages which contain embedded image galleries.


My problem is that clearing of the smart cache is not triggerred by the workflow cronjob. When updating gallery images using the Publisher role changes can be seen straight away. If an Editor or Contributor role is used and then the workflow cron is run the cache is not cleared and new items dont appear on the front end(they do become available in the admin interface). Manually clearing the cache causes them to appear but id really like to avoid this.


The clearObjectViewCache method in kernel/content/operation_definition.php doesnt seem to be called when using the workflow process.


Has anybody encountered this before? Is it a bug or could there be a configuration issue?


Any and all help appreciated.



Nicolas Pastorino

Monday 25 January 2010 11:13:41 pm

Hi Tom,

I am sure you know this bit of documentation about SmartCache, hence my question direclty: could you describe here the structure of your content tree (in the part affected with the problem you are describing), and show us what configuration you created in viewcache.ini ?
Plus, how did you identify that the 'clearObjectViewCache(...)' method was not called ?

Let us know,

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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