Monday 26 March 2007 11:30:25 pm
I want to enable users to with a single click, create a copy of an object and then place them immediately in edit mode of the newly copied object. I want to do this within the templates if possible. I succeeded in the copy part by placing the copy button within its own form and holding the required values for example:
<form action="/content/copy" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="ObjectID" value="30707" />
<input type="hidden" name="BrowseActionName" value="CopyNode" />
<input class="button" name="SelectButton" value="Select" type="submit">
<input type="hidden" name="SelectedNodeIDArray[]" value="1543">
But to place the user in edit mode is more difficult, I don't think I can use the usual RedirectURI function because I don't yet know the NodeID of the object that will be created. I briefly tested the new BackToEdit checkbox that can be enabled in the admin side but I think it only works once already in edit mode. So can this be done, or if it can't is there a way I can alter the name of the new object so it can be easily identified as the copy and not the original? Thanks
We are always interested in hearing from experienced eZ PHP programmers and eZ template designers interested in contract work.