Forums / Developer / simple form

simple form

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Rinze Cats

Wednesday 05 May 2004 4:00:18 am

Sorry for asking so many questions, i have a lot of (basic) problems ;-(

I activated the form module. Sending an email to a predefined adres is working ok!

I want to create a 'sent this to a friend' option. This should be a form that has a textfield for entering an email adres. The form should post to this adress.

How do I go about it?

another question:
how can I redirect to a new page based on a condition (no form redirect or anything)?
{section show=<some condition>}
redirect to $node

thanx again for any help

Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Wednesday 05 May 2004 4:47:08 am

Hi Rinze,

You should be able to work it out from this forms creation tutorial from the ol' 3.1 docs:


Eirik Johansen


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Rinze Cats

Wednesday 05 May 2004 8:56:15 am

This wasn't exactly what I meant, because I wanted the visitor of the site to be able to change the sendto adres.

Did help though! cause it made me realize that that the hidden field for the send to could simply be replaced with an input field. (duh)

Maybe you can help me some more:
- Any suggestions on how to redirect a page. I want to test a condition on the homepage to determine which 'issue' should be shown?

- Any suggestions on passing vars. I need to pass the nodeid of a template to the next page. I can use the $view_parameters.MYVAR, but ez seems to forget this var when refreshing?

thanx! rinze