Monday 01 October 2007 11:07:46 am
Hi, I haven't tried this, I have never seen why to put custom tables in a separate database, as keeping on the same database has no problem regarding ezpersistentobject
Nevertheless, I guess this
eZPersistentObject gets Ezpublish current database instance calling ezDB class like $db =& eZDB::instance();
eZDB has a method to set Ezpublish current database instance , so calling it should do the trick
//get ezpublish current instance
$ezdb =& eZDB::instance();
//create your database instance
$mydb =& eZDB::instance( ..., $yourdatabaseparameters, $forceNewInstance=true);
//set it as default
eZDB::setInstance( $mydb );
//from here any call to ezpersistent will use your database instance
/don't forget to restore ezpublish database instance
eZDB::setInstance( $ezdb );
Basically , it keeps switching between ezpublish database, and your custom database