Forums / Developer / Sections: Help ME!!!

Sections: Help ME!!!

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hugo esparza

Thursday 16 March 2006 11:34:21 am

1) How is obtained the ID of a section, from templates? I need that if templates is a section X it makes something different that the others.

2) Also I need to redirigir towards a screen deprived according to the Role of the user, is possible this?

Thanks beforehand
:) Excuse my ingles

Ɓukasz Serwatka

Thursday 16 March 2006 11:30:30 pm

In pagelayout you can use {$DesignKeys:used.section}. In full view you can use {$node.object.section_id}

Not sure what you mean here, but you can check user role and do some action.

{def $current_user=fetch( 'user', 'current_user' )}

Then check:


More about ezrole objects

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

hugo esparza

Friday 17 March 2006 12:13:10 pm

thanks Lukasz.

The first part I work myself without problems, but second no, so having the idea I did the following thing:

{let user=fetch( 'user', 'current_user' )}
	{let rol_usuario=$user.role_id_list|implode(', ')}
	{section show=eq($rol_usuario,'9')}
			<a href={"A"|ezurl}>
	{section show=eq($rol_usuario,'11')}
			<a href={"B"|ezurl}>
	{section show=eq($rol_usuario,'13')}
			<a href={"C"|ezurl}>

Not this very pretty the code, but I work myself what wanted to do