Forums / Developer / runcronjobs - crontab

runcronjobs - crontab

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Lo' F.

Thursday 27 January 2011 11:23:00 am

Hi there,

I installed all2egooglemaps extension to generate a sitemap.xml file. When I launch the script manually from the shell it generates the file as expected.

php runcronjobs.php googlesitemaps

I want it to be generated/updated at regular intervals of time and so added it to the crontab file /ezpublish.cron:

# Instruct cron to run the "googlesitemaps" set of cronjobs
# at 00:00pm every day
0 0 * * * cd $EZPUBLISHROOT && $PHP runcronjobs.php -q googlesitemaps 2>&1

so that it can be run every day at midnight. But it doesn't work.

Set the actual ez path and php command line programs

# This must be set to the directory where eZ Publish is installed.

# Location of the PHP Command Line Interface binary.

The /etc/cron.deny file is emply and this shouldn't prevent it from running, right?

Why shouldn't it run?


Romeo Antony

Friday 28 January 2011 12:53:42 am

Try the following Lo'F

1.Run with your site access.

0 0 * * * cd $EZPUBLISHROOT && $PHP runcronjobs.php -q googlesitemaps -s yoursiteaccess 2>&1

2. Check php location? Is it exactly there??



Restart cron daemon

/etc/init.d/crond restart

Lo' F.

Friday 28 January 2011 9:36:44 am

Hi Romeo, thanks a lot for your reply.

I got the php location by launching the command from the shell:

# which php

Tried to restart cron daemon, but the sitemap doesn't update itself at the set interval of time, yet.

(set to run every 5 minutes while testing it)

5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * cd $EZPUBLISHROOT && $PHP runcronjobs.php -q -s ita googlesitemaps 2>&1


What's wrong?!

Lo' F.

Tuesday 01 February 2011 2:09:02 pm

Any hint would be highly appreciated!..

Thanks a loooot!