Forums / Developer / RSS import generates duplicates

RSS import generates duplicates

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Kevin Gaudin

Monday 05 October 2009 2:19:24 am

I'm running a site on v3.8.6. (Migration to v.4.0 is planned to november)

Is there a reason why RSS Import would duplicate some entries from this feed ?

All duplicated entries have guid formed this way :

      <title>Mobilisation pour un référendum sur le service public postal</title>
      <description />
      <pubDate>Fri, 02 Oct 2009 13:05:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:creator>Léonard Lemince</dc:creator>

Whereas those which are not duplicated are formed this way :

      <title>Le site de la semaine!</title>
      <description />
      <pubDate>Thu, 01 Oct 2009 13:51:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:creator>Djet 27</dc:creator>

Any hint welcome... I did not find anything regarding this in

Thanks !

Twitter: @kevingaudin

Kevin Gaudin

Monday 05 October 2009 2:26:01 am

For each duplicate entry, eZ seems to add a different "jsessionid" to the link ! :

First entry :;jsessionid=1E0169E94E9694BD6D0AA2E15A2F46B0

Duplicate :;jsessionid=300C982D2BD28725BC61A1396C801A9A

This jsessionid does not appear anywhere in the original feed !

Twitter: @kevingaudin

Kevin Gaudin

Monday 05 October 2009 5:33:13 am

Well, after further investigation, it looks like a bug from liferay (generator of the rss feed) which puts these jsessionid values when called from a cookieless client.

Twitter: @kevingaudin