Forums / Developer / Restrict file types that can be uploaded

Restrict file types that can be uploaded

Author Message

Clive Flatau

Tuesday 15 March 2005 3:03:31 am

Is it possible to restrict the file types that can be uploaded via tha admin interface i.e. not allow uploading of .exe and restricting to say .doc, pdf, .xls.

Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Tuesday 15 March 2005 3:42:18 am

Hi Clive,

You'll probably have to create a separate datatype for this purpose. However, if you start with the current ezbinary datatype as a basis, it shouldn't be too difficult.


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Clive Flatau

Tuesday 15 March 2005 4:20:51 am

Thanks - thought that was the case