Forums / Developer / Rendering custom tables using online editor

Rendering custom tables using online editor

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Anrik Drenth

Wednesday 04 November 2009 2:34:37 pm

Hi all,

When I create a new article and I enter text (without the spaces) m& # 0 2 5 7 ;na

Save/Publish the article.

Then open/edit the article; it now nicely displays māna.

So the online editor/ezpublish has nicely converted the code I entered into something the standard users on our system can use and understand.

Which got me thinking; is this also possible for a table/html code ?

There has been a few times now where I have wanted to use a custom table within an article. It would be great if I could somehow put that into the article, save it, but when the standard user opens the article all they see is the table and they only alter it using the defined css options.

Would appreciate any hints or thoughts.


Anrik Drenth

Wednesday 30 June 2010 7:27:54 pm

Two solutions

Add a table to the article, click on the "Disable editor" button.

Now hard code the table, click on the "Enable editor" button.


Embedding HTML inside the WYSIWYG XML Editor

vi settings/override/content.ini.append.php

Add to the bottom of the file


When creating or editing an article click on the literal icon "insert literal text"

Select the new "html" class, OK

Add HTML into the literal area