Friday 16 January 2004 1:00:25 am
Yup, I'll check it out later, and give you feedback on "the solution" ;) Btw..we earlier used PHP Acc., but changed yesterday to Turck MMCache, since the development of PHP Acc. is almost "dead". The problem is not regarding using an accelerator for php or not(of course this increases the speed), and you can't run eZ publish without an accelerator..that's also crazy :p , but eZ publish uses about 200-300 queries for -non-cached pages, and that's innsain much.. That's why the system is slow. (Our database is btw. now 750mb.) Another problem is that the php files(which also includes other php files etc. etc.) consists of too many lines. Everything programmed with php over a 1000 lines pr. file is "not good", hehe (just a friend of mine complained about this in eZ, but i don't know..I'm not a php-guru)..and finally..mysql..hmm.. Mysql: in v. 5.0 of mysql, triggers and procedures are a new functionallity. If you've checked out MS SQL SERVER, you'll see all the possibillites which is implemented, and all the possibillites you can do in this databasesystem too increase the speed and get better performance. A lot of procedures can be done in the database, without any programming code, så Mysql is a little weak if you compare the two...but hope and think it will get better ;) Well, back to work.