Friday 20 June 2008 12:33:33 pm
Hi Folks! I'm looking to evaluate EZPublish but am having some trouble locating any information on API code or external-facing hooks. Basically, I'm looking to leverage some of the workflow, shop and object creation features of EZPublish in order to interface with a third-party system. Is there anywhere I can get a look at a documented API or how does EZPublish interact with third-party systems? I'm not really looking to do anything that fancy: essentially, the EZPublish system would accept external requests to create instances of objects (say - a product) and then offer the usual CMS interface to a user logged-in and wishing to manipulate these objects. Any pointers would be much appreciated - EZPublish certainly seems to have the features I need - I just can't seem to find much info on utilizing these features via a 3rd-party system.