Forums / Developer / Question about kernel & Extensions !

Question about kernel & Extensions !

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Selmah Maxim

Tuesday 22 July 2003 12:16:33 am

Hi ..

I don`t know if this big problem if I had write new modules in /kernel/ and new datatypes and workflow in kernel , is this will effect the svn up ?

should I move it to /extensions/ folder ?
if I move to extensions folder, can I make the users role via admin site for modules ?


Selmah Maxim

Wednesday 23 July 2003 12:27:50 am

any1 ?

I have tried the tutorial about this which I found in documentation, but didn`t work !

Jan Borsodi

Wednesday 23 July 2003 12:55:16 am

All new features (modules, design etc.) should be placed in an extension. Using extension makes it so much easier to do upgrades.

Could you explain what your problems were?



Selmah Maxim

Wednesday 23 July 2003 1:00:56 am

when I browse /en/myextension/hello , i get module not found, and i have done all what i read here :

Jan Borsodi

Wednesday 23 July 2003 1:13:56 am

Is 'en' a siteaccess and is 'myextension' the name of the module or the extension name?
If you have followed the example the url to the module is
/mymodule/hello or /en/mymodule/hello



Selmah Maxim

Wednesday 23 July 2003 1:31:14 am

I have tried every thing ! :( no result

Selmah Maxim

Wednesday 23 July 2003 1:43:21 am

I had follow up again the tutorial, step by step, and module not found, maybe there is bug, or the tutorial is wrong ?!

Selmah Maxim

Wednesday 23 July 2003 1:54:04 am

its work now... But the strange thing that I didn`t change anything at all !

thx anyway !

Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 23 July 2003 2:35:39 am

A tea break often helps i find!

Though, i have found similar things with 3.1, trying again later sometimes fixes it...


Selmah Maxim

Wednesday 23 July 2003 3:13:43 am

strange .. i had take my luch break after that I had copied the ext. module to another site (was in ez32/ now ez32Test/) and I had made the site.ini changes but the ext. module want work ... the break didn`t help :)

any clew ?

btw ... I think its will be useful if there are dubeg just for ext.s !

Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 23 July 2003 3:21:26 am

As you know you can use the ezdebug routines to debug your extensions. But maybe what you need is a php debugger.

There are a few around, but the last time i tried to set one up (using eclipse) i failed miserably.


Selmah Maxim

Wednesday 23 July 2003 3:32:59 am

no, not this what i need ... I don`t know why the ext. doesn`t work, I have just copied, and there is work fine, now will be nice if ezp dubeg write a notes what the error !