Forums / Developer / pubsvn: trunk api documentation (Repaired)

pubsvn: trunk api documentation (Repaired)

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kracker (the)

Friday 20 August 2004 3:17:54 am


It's been at least a week if not two that I've noticed that the Doxygen API Documentation for the trunk is missing.

The Auto Generated from Trunk Doxygen API Documentation is no longer being updated / built or tested every time the svn mirror is updated.

When the Trunk API documentation was available I really liked it and I used it.
Now I don't know the difference if any between the trunk, v3.4 or v3.2 api, there could be many or only several. Still it would be best to have the current docs available to people who are trying to develop eZ publish solutions.

I do know that the trunk documentation is down, I didn't notice anyone else even mention it in the forums so I thought I should say something about this reoccurring problem.

Can we add a static build of the 3.4 API Doxygen Docs? Also can we add a test to ensure that if the documentation generation kicks an error or doesn't get generated that it flags an notification error to an admin. The trunk api docs seem to be down most of the time, can we do a better job at keeping the trunk api docs online at

eZ Community Developer

Hed PE : Pac Bell

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Paul Borgermans

Friday 20 August 2004 4:39:30 am

Hi Kracker

Thanks for notifying. The disappearance was a side effect (bug) introduced with the extension archive

This has been corrected now. I'll add a static build of the 3.3 and 3.4 too later today


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Paul Borgermans

Friday 20 August 2004 5:02:13 am

Doxygen builds (static) have been added for 3.3 and 3.4 stable releases.



eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

kracker (the)

Friday 20 August 2004 5:22:11 am

Hi Paul,

Your more than welcome.
As "Eak the cat" used to say:
"It never hurts to help . . . " (Just before something very bad would happen because he helped)

Thank you for some background information on how the bug was introduced, I should have known. That was about the same time (as I think about it) that the api documentation died . . .

More over thank you for your almost instant response to resolving this issue! Top Notch!

For those who don't know, there is an amazing wealth of eZ publish information
located in the eZ publish (Doxygen) API Documentation published at at:

I strongly suggest that people looking to truly understand extending eZ publish read these cover to cover, twice!

I just wanted to mention as a backside of these updates (which are so great, don't ever change ;) that the Björn's layout is starting to grown beyond it's original (very clean) implementation.

Would we be open to a few revisions to the current layout later down the road to keep the pubsvn the most readable / functional ? I would be happy to at least back my comments with a revision or two for consideration if that would help, I had some ideas about the layout fighting in the back of my head anyway it seems . . .

eZ Community Bartender

Hed PE : Bartender

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Clay Pereira

Friday 20 August 2004 8:45:06 am

Wow, Where have I been. I did not this existed. This should be on the main eZpublish site.
A great wealth of information. Thank you...........(: