Forums / Developer / [ptagenda] discussions about ptagenda extension

[ptagenda] discussions about ptagenda extension

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Patrice Fortin

Friday 10 November 2006 7:28:45 am

This is the following of comment "Small calendar bugs" found there:

Hi Laurent, here is where I am with my investigation:

about the problem you noted: "if the month printed is january 2007 and I press previous month, the calendar jump to november (current month)."
I found out that when I go back to a page which is in cache, the $view_parameters.month is not took from url, so the template believes we are looking at the current month, which is wrong.

What I did: add in my siteaccess/MySite/viewcache.ini.append.php

It seemed to have solved the problem.

But, when I remove these lines in viewcache.ini, remove var/cache var/MySite/cache, clear all cache, I still no longer have the problem.

So, I can no longer investigate since I don't have the problem anymore.

Any idea what happened ?


laurent le cadet

Friday 10 November 2006 7:45:18 am

be aware about cache cause it can slow down your server quickly if you don't know what you are playing with exactly.

I you said it seems to be a cache so it's better to work localy whith {cache-block} than to use the global ini.


kracker (the)

Sunday 12 November 2006 6:50:33 pm


I wanted to take a moment to invite you to submit your contribution, 'ptagenda' to the community subversion server's extension repository (eZ publish community svn hosting)!

This increases the availability of the source code and gives others the ability to more simply submit patches back to you the maintainer. More and more people are relying on the continued maintenance of released extensions gone stale and revived by the community. All good things :)

The community is actively collecting, maintaining and documenting eZ publish extensions


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Patrice Fortin

Monday 13 November 2006 9:47:12 am

@laurent le cadet

In fact, this was for testing, trying to start general, and coming to an accurate source of the problem.

I guess I would have put something like


in settings/siteaccess/MySite/viewcache.ini.append.php

But, frankly, I am not 100% sure what I'm doing :)
I'm quite new to eZpublish, so I greatly appreciate your help.

does adding

{set-block scope=root variable=cache_ttl}0{/set-block}

is better than modifying the file settings/siteaccess/MySite/viewcache.ini.append.php ? or what's the difference?

Patrice Fortin

Monday 13 November 2006 10:40:13 am


I'm very interested in using public svn to collaborate with other people. Although, I don't find any documentation on how to submit it into /trunk/extension/ptagenda, and I am not that familiar with svn.

So if you could point me to some howto for submitting there, or if you could tell me the few steps to do to submit, I would appreciate!


kracker (the)

Monday 13 November 2006 12:30:19 pm


It seems someone heard your request ;)
As a new line exists on the page

"First time users? Read the docs on SVN and read more about the community server."

You must first email a request to the administrators (email address listed on page)

I would also download and install the client software 'TortiseSVN' (SVN GUI)

I should also add an entry to the wiki describing this process.

I've created the starting of a tutorial, 'Using PubSVN Subversion Repositories'

<i>Modest Mouse - Lives</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||