Forums / Developer / Problems after upgrading from 3.4.4 to 3.7.6

Problems after upgrading from 3.4.4 to 3.7.6

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Anja Lundin

Wednesday 17 May 2006 1:46:28 am

I've recently uppgraded a site from 3.4.4 to 3.7.6 (SVN revision 15251) running all the recommanded php scripts and database scripts in and in and the database scripts from 3.6.0 to 3.7.6. I run PHP 4.4.2 on Apache 1.3.31(Win32).

After all this I cleared all caches.

A few problems have occured after this upgrade:

1. Images (related objects) with links added in the xml-field have now lost their links.

2. Translation files in extensions such as ezdhtml/translation does not work anymore. I use a swe-SE translations and it works fine in 3.6.0. I use online editor version 3.1. I have now also tried to specify the location of the translation file in site.ini.append.php with:


Still doesn't work.

3. Often after clearing the caches the site's and it's admin interface translations disappears (it uses english instead of swedish). The translation file (translation.ts) is located in share/translations/swe-SE as usual.

Settings in my site.ini.append.php:



4. In the admin interface when publishing a new article and relating a new object (with the ezdhtml-extension) I should get a dropdown menu with all folders located in the media library. I only get "Automatic". The folders located in the media library is a new type of folder class. I have added this new class in site_admin/upload.ini.append.php:


The media sektion in my site has a root folder with the name "media" and it is also an object of a media_folder class. Can this have anything to do with my problem? I have also added the new node id for the MediaRootNode in content.ini.append.php. After clearing all caches it still doesn't work. If I choose "Automatic" the file is uploaded to the media folder, so that part is correct.

I would be very happy if anyone can help me solving these problems!

Thanks in advance!
/Anja Bjerleus, Novitell AB

Anja Lundin
Developer, Novitell AB

Anja Lundin

Wednesday 17 May 2006 5:36:25 am

Hi again,
Problem 2 and 3 are now solved.

max_execution_time=180 in php.ini did the trick!

I still have troubles with 1 and 4...


Anja Lundin
Developer, Novitell AB

Anja Lundin

Thursday 18 May 2006 4:00:41 am

Problem number 4 is probably a bug... See my comment in 8256: New bug: tree fetch returns emty result after update
( )

My upgrade from 3.4.4 to 3.7.6 has nothing to do with this. I made a new site in 3.7.6 with the wizard and the bug is alive there too...

fetch (content, tree ... seems to be the problem!

The problem with missing links on related images is still not solved...

Can anyone help me?

Anja Lundin
Developer, Novitell AB