Forums / Developer / problems accessing the shop module

problems accessing the shop module

Author Message

Christiane Kloss

Thursday 03 November 2005 7:54:20 am

Hi all together,

suddenly I'm not able to add anything to the basket anymore.

So when I try to add something to the basket by:
<form method="post" action={"content/action"|ezurl}>
<input type="radio" name="ContentObjectID" value="{$:item.contentobject_id}">
<input type="image" src={"pfeil.png"|ezimage} name="ActionAddToBasket" >

this error occurs:

Timing: Nov 03 2005 16:02:54
Script start

Warning: Nov 03 2005 16:02:54
Could not find module named 'hebalala'
These directories were tried none of them exists:

Error: index Nov 03 2005 16:02:54
Undefined module: hebalala

Error: error/view.php Nov 03 2005 16:02:54
Error ocurred using URI: /index.php/shop/add/694/1

Timing: Nov 03 2005 16:02:54
Module end 'error'

So how can it happen that the name of a folder is used for a module name???????
I'm totally stuck - any hints very welcome...

Many thanks in advance

Christiane Kloss

Wednesday 09 November 2005 5:16:26 am


Another big don't:
Don't use the name of a module for your objects.
Take a look at the db-table ezurl_alias....

Many thanks to Björn
