Forums / Developer / Problem with very long links

Problem with very long links

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Helle Andersen

Friday 21 October 2005 2:57:57 am

eZ appearently does not accept very long links (which I need to use since they relate to our libarry system). Is there a way to change the length og charecters allowed for links ?

Marko Žmak

Saturday 22 October 2005 4:13:51 pm

Maybe if you give a little bit more details about your problem, someone could help you. Where exactly do you have problems with long links? With the ezurl() operator or somewhere else?

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Helle Andersen

Sunday 23 October 2005 11:49:31 pm

The problem occurs when you in a xml field (with or without the editor enabled) tries to make a very long link - the end characters are simply erased.
In fact the same occurs if you in other datatypes tries to insert long texts, e.g. in an enum datatype in a class.

Bruce Morrison

Monday 24 October 2005 12:25:25 am

Hi Helle

I'm guessing the URLs are longer than 255 characters? The (mysql) database field where these are stored (ezurl.url) is a varchar(255), so there is a 255 char limit on URLs.

I suspect you may be able to convert this to a text field to allow for a larger URLs.


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Helle Andersen

Thursday 27 October 2005 12:05:21 am

Thanks - works fine