Forums / Developer / Problem with eZXML attributes in template

Problem with eZXML attributes in template

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Heiko Irrgang

Friday 01 April 2011 4:15:39 am


i want to fetch a object and print out its body content rendered from within a template.

I found a number of ways to do this, currently my template looks like this:

{def $object=fetch( 'content', 'object', hash( 'object_id', $objectid ) )}
{if is_set( $object )}

i also tried attribute_view_gui same effect:

it crashes: Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting!

if i print out {$object.data_map.body.content} i get Object(eZXMLText), so the object seems right.

no log entries as far as i can see, any ideas?

André R.

Friday 01 April 2011 6:00:57 am

Does the object happen to be the same as current object so that you are in fact doing infinite recursion here in some form?

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Heiko Irrgang

Friday 01 April 2011 6:35:11 am

no, i tried differend object ids from different parts of the content tree

Marko Žmak

Friday 01 April 2011 1:30:02 pm

Just a wild guess...

Have you maybe embeded the object (using OE insert object and full view) in it's own xml attribute?

It sounds like this could be it...

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Heiko Irrgang

Monday 04 April 2011 11:13:05 pm

No, these are custom classes with a xml block 'body' created with the admin interface