Forums / Developer / problem with e-mail valdiation

problem with e-mail valdiation

Author Message

Jose Mourinho

Friday 14 September 2007 1:15:08 pm

Hello all

I try to display an email attribute witch is information collector with this templte.
The contact_email attribute is from class email. The problem is that when i input an email adress in the field the systems aways say that the ares is invalid.
If a use a standart template wit {attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.data_map.contact_email }
it work properly.
What culd be the reason for this problem?

{def $attribute=$node.data_map.contact_email
$data_text=cond( is_set( $#collection_attributes[$] ), $#collection_attributes[$].data_text, $attribute.content )}
<span class="element">
<label for="{$attribute.contentclass_attribute_identifier}">{'Email'}{if $attribute.is_required} <em>({'required'})</em>{/if}:</label><br class="labelbreak" />
<input type="text" size="40" name="{$attribute_base}_data_text_{$}" value="{$data_text|wash( xhtml )}" tabindex="2" />
<input type="hidden" name="ContentObjectAttribute_id[]" value="{$}" />
{undef $attribute $data_text}

10x all

Ɓukasz Serwatka

Sunday 16 September 2007 11:21:56 pm

Use visualisation template function for it:

attribute_view_gui or attribute_edit_gui (depends on needs)

Both are template based and it is much easier and cleaner way of doing this.

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