Forums / Developer / Problem switching languages using ezwebin extension

Problem switching languages using ezwebin extension

Author Message

Salvatore Guarino

Thursday 07 February 2008 2:43:21 am

I have a problem switching languages on my 4 languages site. I used the ezwebin extension, that has the following code to generate languages links:

        {foreach $pagedesign.data_map.language_settings.content.rows.sequential as $row}
        {def $site_url = $row.columns[0]
             $language = $row.columns[2]}
        {if $row.columns[0]}
            {set $site_url = $site_url|append( "/" )}
            <li{if $row.columns[1]|downcase()|eq($} class="current_siteaccess"{/if}>
            {if is_set($DesignKeys:used.url_alias)}
                <a href="{concat( "http://", $site_url,
                <a href="{concat( "http://", $site_url,
        {undef $site_url $language}

My primary language is the italian. The problem is this:

I access to the site at the address (it works),
then I click on the "eng" link that point to this address: (it works), but now if I click again on ita it doesn't point to but to (in english) and this link doesn't works. The same problem is present switching between all other languages, the first time it works, but the second time the variable $uri_string is wrong, it doesn't contain the string in the destination language but in the string in the current language. I think that is a bug in the ezwebin...

Thx in advance for your help!