Forums / Developer / Please Ez crue please help on this one after 4 nights i think its about time...

Please Ez crue please help on this one after 4 nights i think its about time...

Author Message

Lior Solomon

Monday 05 July 2004 1:32:50 am

i'm posting this message as a continues message for:

i digged your product up and down used every single example there is
even bought the book.
and nothing i get the same simptoms
this problem is preventing from us to continue on the project
if we wont get a litle help from you guys we will have to give some answers to our in charge ...and i dont want to tell you what it took me to convince them that ez is SO EASY!!!
please give it a look.
thanks in advance


Alex Jones

Monday 05 July 2004 6:35:09 am

Lior, it appears that you found an answer in the other thread. Do you still need help with the issue?


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>