Forums / Developer / PHP Eclipse / PHP DBG : CLI debugging capabilities ?

PHP Eclipse / PHP DBG : CLI debugging capabilities ?

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Sébastien Landeau

Wednesday 17 May 2006 11:01:33 am

I'm developping under Eclipse with the PHP Eclipse plugin.
I have the PHP DBG extension.

Eclipse debugger (and PHP DBG) works well in remote debug mode, by includind HTTP parameter DBGSESSID=1@localhost:10001 in page URLs (some RewriteRule in the Apache configuration can help sometimes).

But I can't debug in PHP CLI mode, for my ez Scripts.
The Eclipse debugger doesn't stop at breakpoints :-(

Does somebody have some experience with PHP CLI Debugging ?

Thank's a lot...

Xavier Dutoit

Wednesday 17 May 2006 11:34:57 pm

I don't.

Could you give us more infos about the rewrite rules you mention ?


Sébastien Landeau

Wednesday 17 May 2006 11:59:34 pm

The RewriteRule I use in my Apache configuration is :

<b>RewriteRule (.*).php $1.php?DBGSESSID=1@clienthost:10001 [QSA]</b>

It's rewrite all php URLs and update the query string (QSA option) with the Php DBG parameters.

So if you configure the Eclipse PHP Debugger in remote mode (on port 10001), your code stops at breakpoints, and you will get all eclipse debugging capabilities !! ;-)

But it doesn't work in php CLI mode... :-(