Forums / Developer / pagedata path_array not updated

pagedata path_array not updated

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Emmanuel Averty

Tuesday 25 January 2011 6:49:55 am


I wrote two templates containing forms. The submission is made by calling a view named «action» of my own module. In the script of the module, I only return an array containing a template as «content» key and a «path» key with the correct informations. The templates returned are different for each action. This work fine, the called template makes what it has to do.

The only things that doesn't work is the top menu and the path. The first time I submit one of my forms, the top menu and the path are correct, but if I submit the second one, the top menu and the path shows informations of the first one (i.e selected node). If I clear the cache and re-submit my second form, everything is correct.

I made some debug in flat_top.tpl. I found that $pagedata.path_array is not updated. But I can't find why.

Can someone can help me ?

André R.

Tuesday 25 January 2011 10:38:37 am

pagelayout is cached with cache-blocks using among other things url as key, so use different url for different paths and it will work everywhere, otherwise you'll have to modify cache-key keys in pagelayout.

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