Forums / Developer / Override translation.ts

Override translation.ts

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Salvatore Guarino

Wednesday 19 October 2005 2:16:33 am

I created many custom classes and templates. Now I have to translate some text in my custom templates. A way is to add custom translation in the corrispective language "transation.ts" file, but I think that it isn't a good idea because when I will upate my eZpublish I would like to overwrite this file with the new one. There is a way to override translation.ts files like the .ini files? There are other ways?

Daniele P.

Wednesday 19 October 2005 4:44:10 am

You could move all your stuff in a custom extension.
Then you can generate a translation.ts for your extension.
There are some little issues (for example you can't get only your custom context in the ts) but it works.

Salvatore Guarino

Wednesday 19 October 2005 6:28:51 am

What do you mean with "all your stuff"?

Daniele P.

Wednesday 19 October 2005 7:17:16 am

> What do you mean with "all your stuff"?

Your templates and your ini settings.
In fact you have to create a template only extension.
Have a look to the contribs section for examples.