Forums / Developer / Obtaining text field value in module store method

Obtaining text field value in module store method

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Kedar Deshpande

Wednesday 20 May 2009 10:10:06 am


In a tpl file I have the line:

<td>{attribute_edit_gui attribute=$node.data_map.lead_tags}</td>

This appears in the source for the page as:

<input id="ezcoa-414_lead_tags" class="box ezcc-cc_lead ezcca-cc_lead_lead_tags" type="text" value="" name="ContentObjectAttribute_ezstring_data_text_3433" size="70"/>

however while storing the values in a ezobject, there is no constant 'name' attribute that can be used since it changes from object to object. Plus it would also mean having to remember what type of attribute it is (like ezstring_data_text).

This does not work:


Does anyone have any suggestions?