Forums / Developer / New Protx VSP Payment Gateway Extension development

New Protx VSP Payment Gateway Extension development

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Mark Emms

Monday 01 September 2008 1:26:01 am

Does anyone have exemplar scripts which closely match this payment process that they would let me refer to?

This is my first payment gateway extension and I could do with a few pointers (in fact it is my first proper extension at all) . This is where I've got to:

Protx VSP uses a multi-stage process as follows:
1. Send a POST request for a payment url (which includes customer details etc).
2. Protx POSTs back a url with some security information (e.g. key and transaction id etc)
3. User is redirected to the Protx site for card details to be collected and where 3-D authorisation is appropriate for the user to be redirected tto their bank and back again etc.
4. Protx site then POSTs back transaction status and further security information and requests a redirection URL for the user to be transfered to (POST is to a preconfigured URL).
5. Protx then redirects to that URL and the process is complete.

So I think I need 2 scripts and a database table:

A. A script to put together the original POST and then redirect the user to Protx
B. A script to handle the POST request from Protx
C. Database holding all required information relating to Protx and having a foreign key linking to the eZ Order recording system.

I do not want to redesign the wheel! So obviously I have had a good look at the existing Protx extension which as far as I can tell will not work at all with Protx VSP. Some of it is useful for script A (thank you Stuart!).

Fortunately Protx have produced exemplar PHP code in a kit they publish - it does everything from putting products in the basket onwards in its own database structure so in theory I recognise this should be a relatively simple task however if anyone can save me a bit of time I'd be really pleased!

Help most fervently appreciated!!


Neo Pixel

Thursday 02 April 2009 2:58:32 am

Have you made any headway with this extension?

I need to use PROTX as a payment processor on a members only website.

Asking stupid questions so you don't have to!

Mark Emms

Thursday 02 April 2009 3:21:32 am

In the end I had to pay for development of this extension so it now exists!

At this stage I am working towards offering it as a product for sale at a cost to help me recover my own expenses.