Forums / Developer / New Community Site - Basis and Ideas

New Community Site - Basis and Ideas

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Bertrand Maugain

Sunday 27 September 2009 3:12:51 am

Hi Piotr,

Let me answer your questions here. Those a very relevant ones.

1) The new partner program is launched on October 1st but all changes on the website / partner levels will be visible on November 1st. It let one month to partner to decide where they would like to be. That is why we aim at November 1st for the release of the community site and we would like to release it before that as a preview or alpha stage.

2) The goal of the new community portal is to address many of the needs / questions discussed before and at the conference.
a) It should be easier to be contacted and yes there will be a list both of individuals and companies (business and community partners) ranked on community points reflecting how much active they are. It will be free to be a community partner, it will simply require a certain amount of extensions / contributions and references. At the end of each year (October), the 5 best community partners will be eligible to become Business Partners for free ( if they are interested of course).
b) Community partners will be promoted only on the community site. On ( which becomes the corporate / commercial site of eZ Systems), only Business Partners will be listed.

3) We will have a Community Manager working full time on the community. A Community board or committee will be created with some community members ( all details will be communicated then). The idea is that the community runs the community and yes that will be run separately from and that will be easier. More info to come in the next weeks. Things are eventually coming into place.

4) I will let Paul answer that but there might a short period where both sites will be available. The new content will however be created only on the new site. The goal is to have only one platform as soon as possible.

5) Not at first, it will remain as it is for now.

Feel free to contact me directly to discuss the partnership. Let us find out which partnership makes more sense for you. It might be the Community one. Cheers.


Paul Forsyth

Sunday 27 September 2009 7:15:00 am

Hi Piotrek,

Currently all users are included on the new site. I wouldnt say they are migrated because there is a single-sign-on linking the two sites, so users exist on both sites in some form.

User created content such as articles and forums should be part of the new site. Articles for sure, and forums are still being explored. Since we use eZFind 2 it makes sense to have all that old content available for relevant searches - something the present search system doesn't handle too well.

I think the bugs should stay with the existing system, but your user profile can show which bugs are yours - its simple to link it together.

There will be a ranking system similar to the present points system. However, its not clear yet how 'old' content such as old forums should be included. Should we start afresh or include everything?

What do you think?


eZ Systems

Piotrek Karaś

Sunday 27 September 2009 9:18:13 am


thank you for your feedback. Especially the community manager sounds like a good idea. We will contact you in order to discuss things regarding us directly, but I though we also stood a good example of what's coming for many partners. I also didn't know about the 5 best community partners thing - any details on that?


Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o.,
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Piotrek Karaś

Sunday 27 September 2009 9:19:35 am


As far as I'm concerned, articles aren't that much of an issue - important as they are, there aren't too many of them and they're easy to handle wherever they are.

However, forums are in my opinion the key ingredient of the existing community and of course it would be great to have them all moved to the new site and made searchable with eZFind as well as being able to vote on content (and use other planned functionalities). I believe that current forums cover at least 80% of all issues, faq's, problems, ideas, suggesions that users may require to become successful with eZ tools and I wouldn't like to see that waste, and that's what I think will happen if they are not moved to the new community site. Not to mention that the new site may have problems to go into living with old forums existing in parallel at current location ;) So my suggestion is to migrate everything, especially all the forums.

One of the tools I was always missing at was "my" area, where I would be able to find text links to the threads I have created myself (or possibly also taken part in). Also this would be great to simply see my own bug/issue submits, as you mentioned. These lists should be ordered chronologically at least.

If you plan to make rating systems, I hope they will be database and not session based, so that one user can only rate once ever or once every period of time. I believe it would really help to promote quality content if we knew that threads or articles weren't rated a thousand times over and over again ;)

Are going to be integrated into the new community site? As far as I can remember - no, but please confirm.

If anything new comes to my mind, I'll share ;)


Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o.,
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Bertrand Maugain

Monday 28 September 2009 12:13:38 am

Hi Piotr,

We will come back to all details around how community activities will be measured ( like the previous point system of the partner program). But the 5 most active companies globally will have the possibility to become a Business Partner for free.

That is it for now :-)



Piotrek Karaś

Wednesday 14 October 2009 1:36:37 am

How will the new Community Site address eZ components project?
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Piotrek Karaś

Thursday 05 November 2009 10:18:36 pm

So now that we have a separation between business partners and community partners, we can ask more about community partner reality. For example:

  • who's on the community company directory list and why?
  • how are the community directory entries ordered?
  • how can community partners work themselves up?
  • how does 5 most active companies globally actually mean and how is it assessed?

Also, even though the community partners are not listed here:, they still have their partner objects with related references. Will that be kept? And also it seems like we lost the ability to edit that information...



Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o.,
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Kristof Coomans

Saturday 07 November 2009 7:25:48 am

For me it's also completely not clear when you can be considered a "community partner". Are there requirements to become one? I did not find any information about that on, nor here.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Kristof Coomans

Sunday 08 November 2009 11:39:30 am mentions a Community Program, but a link to this document I can not find back anywhere.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |