Forums / Developer / Need guidance (newbie here)

Need guidance (newbie here)

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Marcello Barboni

Tuesday 25 May 2010 8:26:43 am

Hello to all,

I'm just starting with ezpublish and I need some "conceptual" help to get started.

What I am trying to accomplish is this: to have a page in the admin section where I can input data into a mysql database (name, address, email, and other stuff), and a page (read only) on the website where this data is displayed.

As a second part of the project, I would like to add a google map on the same page in order to display the addresses extracted from the mysql db.

I know how to do this using php / javascript, but i would like to integrate it into an ezpublish site - and here I am totally lost.

Can anyone give me a few pointers on where to start? Ezpublish seem an incredibly powerful system, but the complexity is a bit overwhelming for a newbie.

Thank you very much,
