Thursday 18 December 2008 3:54:59 am
Andre, Thanks again for putting effort in helping me find a solution. It most certainly increase the speed of the application, the final code:
$node_id = $relation["node_id"];
$subtreeFetchParams = array(
'ClassFilterType' => 'include',
'ClassFilterArray' => array(29),
'Limitation' => array(),
$childNodes =& eZContentObjectTreeNode::subTree($subtreeFetchParams, $node_id);
foreach( $childNodes as $child )
$chContentObject =& $child->object();
$datamap = $chContentObject->dataMap();
$emailsOfReceivers[] = $datamap['email']->content();
}//foreach childnodes
Unfortunately, the $chContentObject had to be stored in between, before I could get the datamap, but this is already a great improvement. Thanks also for introducing the 'Limitation' = array() to me, because I was already logging a dedicated user in via:
* Log the current logged in user, in order to make sure that we are able to log
* him/her in after this event is done. Needed because we change users in the middle.
$eZUser = eZUser::currentUser();
$userID = eZUser::currentUserID();
* Login the user that is used for sending the press releases
* (and will be able to read the newsitems / images)
* This is needed because this is being executed by a workflow.
$loginResult = eZUser::loginUser("x_read","x");
return $module->handleError( EZ_ERROR_KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel' );
and then logging out and re-setting the currently loggged in user, so this is a great contribution!
Thanks again :), Clemens