Forums / Developer / Module executed twice [solved - coding error]

Module executed twice [solved - coding error]

Author Message

Eric Bourgain

Tuesday 27 March 2007 2:56:37 am

I'm writing a module, and it ends with:

$Result = array();
$Result['content'] =& $tpl->fetch($template);
$Result['path'] = array(array('url' => '/room/book',
                              'text' => ezi18n('iagbooking', 'Room booking')));

I've many inputs, one is a button called, let's say 'Update rooms', and some other are of type 'image'.
When I click on the 'Update rooms' button, my module is executed twice, the second time with an empty $_POST: all the inputs are lost. When I click on one of the image button, everything is OK.
Of course, there is no redirect, nothing of that kind in the module.
When I say that the module is executed twice, the module.php is loaded twice, the template is computed twice.

Can anyone see why?