Wednesday 14 March 2007 7:31:30 am
Hello and thx for the reply. It is related to the newsletter extension that works fine with me but to make it simpler for the administrator, I let him create a special "newsletter" object where he can relate objects that already exists in his site (articles...) the problem is that I need to generate a full path for the images to be shown so it's a different set of templates for image.tpl or ezimage.tpl...
My problem is the override conditions I should use...
I was thinking of Match[section] and some /content/view/full override conditions but it would mean that my images are also in that section which is not the case.
I know i can compose my news in my "newsletter" object but it's just to make it easier to use for the administrator. ... unless the new templates are used everywhere (it works but it's a bit "dirty").... So my problem is related to newsletter but it can be seen in a wider approach... I hope I made myself clearer ;-) Gwenal