Forums / Developer / List in front of information collected from users

List in front of information collected from users

Author Message

David Santiso

Wednesday 26 January 2011 1:29:15 am


I have a big question to make, because I don't have any idea how to make it.

I've created a new type of content. I've inserted an object of this type of content in the front.This type of content its based on a formulary, and it's fields are "information collector", so they get information from the user, like a "feedback form".

What I want to do is this:

I want that in the initial page appear a list with the information resumed from all the sends maked by the users about this formulary, similar to the default blocks on eZ Publish, like "item list". Of course, every one of the items from the list will bond to a section where it shows the complete information from the selected item.

I've tried to use some default blocks from the initial page, but I believe that they don't have any use to me.

Someone have any idea about how I could do this, step by step? I suppose that I'll have to edit and create a lot of code, but I'm sure that some things they can be maked automatically.

Thank you very much in advance,


By the way, I'm using the 4.4 version.