Sunday 14 November 2010 8:47:29 am
For days have been busy dealing with some other stuff and couldn't give much time to this. Still undone but yet to be given a solution, I have been trying out something like this: -in the page_head_script.tpl, between the lines including the jquery.js and the scroller.js files, I created the following script where I passed the images full path to some global variables..
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
bg_bottom_hightlight='\'url({/literal}{'bg-bottom-hightlight.png'|ezimage('double')}{literal}) repeat-x scroll top #C8CAD3\'';
{/literal} - and in the external .js file, just recalled those variables..
var scroller_constants={
navpanel: {height:'35px', downarrow:down, background:bg_bottom_highlight}, loadingimg: {src:loading, dimensions:[100,15]}
} in theory those files' path should have been passed, right? .. but it doesn't seem to work..