Forums / Developer / java script error in dynamic content structure tree

java script error in dynamic content structure tree

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Felix Gluecklich

Tuesday 23 December 2008 2:33:43 am

Below you can see our content structure tree after an update from ez 3.9.4 to 4.0.1.
We have been used all update scripts with no errors. All nodes should be correct - telled us by the update scripts. In ez 3.9.4 the tree was working. In ez 4.0.1 the tree is only working in part homepage A and homepage C. The dynamic tree is working in media tab.

+ hompepage A
(clock symbol) homepage B
- homepage C
+ subtree C
+ subtree C

Line: 394
sign: 9
Error: ‚this.classes[…].identifier’ ist Null or no Object
Code: 0

The tree under homepage B will not expand or collapse. But the other subtrees homepage C or homepage A is working. And also in admin tab media all items works. The clock sympol is always running and no stopping.

But the homepage B is full navigate in the middle of admin page and is full navigate in live site. All documents are available. Only the dynamic tree makes problems in all browsers firefox, ie, opera ... all of them during navigate in content structure tree in admin.

The homepage B is an tree with locate documents. Documents with more the one place we use in our site homepage B. This is an new old feature in ez publish. but it seems to us, that this is not working correctly in admin on ez 4.0.1.

We can not copy the homepage B and make it new in content stucture tree - we have try it: loosing all documents with more then one place and additional the place information in an test database installation of ez. an export of content of ez is also not working. we have tried it. ez export only simple classes or simple documents or simple homepages (it means very simple content structure).

What can i do?

Which tables could be damaged?
What could be not correct (updated) in our content?
In which tables ez stored the dynamic tree content?
Who has developed the dynamic tree?

André R.

Tuesday 23 December 2008 9:57:08 am

homepage B class needs to be member of content or media class group to show up in the tree menu.
This is defined by this code in content_structure_meny_dynamic.tpl:

     $filter_type=cond($root_node.path_array|contains($user_root_node_id), 'include', 'exclude')
     $filter_groups=cond($root_node.path_array|contains($user_root_node_id), array( $user_class_group_id ), array($user_class_group_id, $setup_class_group_id))

So the class you are trying to use is most likely a user or setup class.

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