Forums / Developer / is_object($content_version.object.data_map.resource_thumbnail.content)}
Ashwini V
Monday 07 March 2005 3:25:18 am
Hi, I have used the below mentioned code to find wether the image is avilable or not.
The above mentioned code worked fine in eZpublish 3.2-4, but it didn't work in EZPublish 3.5.0. I also need the coding for displaying the images.
Can you please help me in this regard.
Ćukasz Serwatka
Monday 07 March 2005 3:34:21 am
Hi Karthik,
You can use {$content_version.object.data_map.resource_thumbnail.has_content} to check if image is available.
BTW could you change your topic name to more cleary?
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Monday 07 March 2005 4:01:01 am
Hi, My aim is to display image of an article. Before this, I validated whether image is avilable for the article or not using the following code.
"is_object($content_version.data_map.resource_thumbnail.content)}" (Ezpublish 3.2-4) Now in Ezpublish 3.5 this code doesnt work. I had tried the following code in 3.5, but it didn't work. "is_object($content_version.object.data_map.resource_thumbnail.content)}"In ezpublish 3.5.0. This returns that the article contains an image, but it doesnt display the image.
I even tried with has_content, but it didn't work. This doesnt even return whether the article has image or not.
Please help me as to how to display images.