Forums / Developer / Interesting Login Form Routing Problem

Interesting Login Form Routing Problem

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Nigel Hulls

Wednesday 10 February 2010 5:11:34 pm

Hi all, I've got an interesting little login problem.

I have a expublish site that was recently upgraded from 4.01 to 4.2. It's not live but is living on a staging server until some templating changes can be made.

The site is working fine, serves up content no problems at all.

However for some bizare reason nobody can login to the site. If you enter your username and password and click login you are taken back to the login page. There is no error message to indicate a problem.

I've cleared the caches, restored an earlier db backup that worked, tried everything i know or could find on the net and basically got nowhere.

I turned the sqldebug on and noticed the following query

SELECT AS e0_id, AS e0_link, e0.text AS e0_text, e0.text_md5 AS e0_text_md5, e0.is_alias AS e0_is_alias, e0.alias_redirects AS e0_alias_redirects, AS e1_id, AS e1_link, e1.text AS e1_text, e1.text_md5 AS e1_text_md5, e1.is_alias AS e1_is_alias, e1.action AS e1_action, e1.alias_redirects AS e1_alias_redirects
FROM ezurlalias_ml e0, ezurlalias_ml e1
WHERE e0.parent = 0 AND (e0.lang_mask & 3 > 0) AND e0.text_md5 =  MD5( 'user' ) 
AND e1.parent = AND (e1.lang_mask & 3 > 0) AND e1.text_md5 =  MD5( 'login' ) 
LIMIT 0, 1

which is returning zero rows.

So seems to me that eZ no longer accepts the routing information for /user/login in the database and therefore has no module / node to hook the form output into.

Does this sound correct? and if so has anyone come across this before and how did you fix it.


Nigel Hulls

Wednesday 10 February 2010 5:16:59 pm

Sorry, I forgot to add, the login has been working fine ever since the upgrade, so I'm fairly sure that I can rule the upgrade out as a problem.