Forums / Developer / Installer vss. distribution version

Installer vss. distribution version

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John Mina

Monday 29 March 2004 4:51:58 am

Dear Sirs,
I ahve been searchign a lot for an answer for my quistion
what are the difference between the installer version and the distribution version of EZpublish, and why should i use the distribution not the isntaller i nbuilding my web site

What if i had already did a lot of work in the installer version? how would i move tha twork is it just a matter of moving the database...etc?
You quick answer wil leb highly appriciated

Alex Jones

Monday 29 March 2004 8:13:07 am

The Installers include the Web server software (Apache and PHP) in addition to eZ publish. The standard distibution assumes you already have those packages instaleld, so it does not contain Apache or PHP.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>