Forums / Developer / Inline editable drawings for eZ 3.x ?

Inline editable drawings for eZ 3.x ?

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Sophi Italy

Thursday 08 May 2003 8:35:55 am

Has anyone considered adding inline-editable drawings to eZ 3.x? There is a wonderful open-source graphical editor that could be plugged in:
It has XML-format save capability.

And already work under way to integrate it with the TIki CMS:

It would be wonderful to have enhance the easily edited structured text content of eZ with easily edited graphical content as well.

With more work, the graphical version might even be one available view of the same interconnected eZ object nodes.


Gabriel Ambuehl

Friday 09 May 2003 4:13:05 am

I doubt this is going to happen as it is Java. Java unlike PHP is a pain to install and maintain on many servers. And since the JVM eats major amounts of RAM on its own, few webhosts even allow Java.


Sophi Italy

Friday 09 May 2003 6:39:57 am

There is one client-side applet JAR file, and no server-side Java processing. Hence there is no issue of server-side Java.

On the browser end a new edit window is opened when you click on the image, invoking a php-script tiki-editdrawing.php:
<br/><a href='#' onClick="'tiki-editdrawing.php?path=/tiki&amp;drawing=foo1','','menubar=no,width=252,height=25');"><img border='0' src='img/wiki/foo1.gif' alt='click to edit' /></a>

The corresponding php script (tiki-editdrawing.php) inserts the appropriate applet and parameters:
# some tiki-specific setup stuff, then ...
<applet archive="lib/jgraphpad/jgraphpad.jar"
code="com.jgraph.JGraphpad.class" width=100% height=40>
<param name="drawpath" value="<?php echo $path>/img/wiki/<?php echo $name?>.draw">
<param name="gifpath" value="<?php echo $path?>/img/wiki/<?php echo $name?>.gif">
<param name="savepath" value="<?php echo $path?>/jhot.php">
<param name="viewpath" value="tiki-editdrawing.php?close=1">
The applet saves the results of the edit using the savepath parameter; so there is perhaps one more PHP script involved.

Gabriel Ambuehl

Friday 09 May 2003 8:34:57 am

In that case, it should be quite straight forward to implement (as straight forward as the API is which somtimes I don't think is all too much).


Sophi Italy

Friday 09 May 2003 3:17:10 pm

Is there any possibility to evaluate this as a candidate for 3.1? I don't know php, or I might have jumped in and tried ...

Having a good graphical drawing tool might also make it much easier for developers or the community to include a few key diagrams in the eZ documentation!