Forums / Developer / Increasing amount of posts in a forum page

Increasing amount of posts in a forum page

Author Message

Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Monday 28 June 2004 7:44:54 am


I've noticed that once forum posts fall of the first page of the forum they're in, they rarely get answered. I therefore suggest increasing the amount of forum posts displayed on each page.

To prevent from increasing the amount of scrolling needed, one could compress the forum posts in line view. The "Last reply: [Reply subject]" could for instance easily be removed as the reply subjects are nearly always the same as the topic reply, except for "Re: ". The date of the latest forum reply could then be moved into a separate column. IMO, the forums is best practice when it comes to laying out forum posts and replies.


Eirik Johansen


Eirik Alfstad Johansen