Forums / Developer / Importing again.... Import from CSV?

Importing again.... Import from CSV?

Author Message

Marco Zinn

Wednesday 12 November 2003 3:41:47 pm

Hi there,

I have a nice glossary here in XLS file format, which i'd like to import to ez3.2. My idea is to save it as CSV, which will give me something like this

Now, I'd like to import this into ez3, for example into articles (or we could create a new class "glossary term"). Of course, finally, I want to declare everything as "glossary" and use the glossary operator, but for now, i need to import the data.

Does anyone have a script for importing CSVs into a given class?
Or maybe importing data from MySQL tables into a given class (I could create a table from the CSV).
This should be more or less the same as "importfolder.php" from wenyues import scripts, but I'd prefer to just import data from a CSV file to avoid fiddling around with new tables in the live database of ez3.

As we speak about CSV: All content in the CSV will be "plain text" (no HTML or XML), but may contain special characters like öäü (german stuff).
