Forums / Developer / import ezxml datatype in PHP CLI script

import ezxml datatype in PHP CLI script

Author Message

Fabio Carissimi

Tuesday 11 July 2006 1:58:47 am


I have an error when I use the fonction setEZXMLAttribute() which is defined in rssimport.php (in cronjobs) to import
xmlblock datatype in an object within a php CLI script.
here the function

function setEZXMLAttribute( &$attribute, &$attributeValue, $link = false )
    include_once( "kernel/classes/datatypes/ezxmltext/handlers/input/ezsimplifiedxmlinput.php" );
    $inputData = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
    $inputData .= "<section>";
    $inputData .= "<paragraph>";
    $inputData .= $attributeValue;
    $inputData .= "</paragraph>";
    $inputData .= "</section>";       
    $dumpdata = "";    

    $simplifiedXMLInput = new eZSimplifiedXMLInput( $dumpdata, null, null );
    $inputData = $simplifiedXMLInput->convertInput( &$inputData );
    $domString = eZXMLTextType::domString( $inputData[0]);
    $domString = str_replace( "<paragraph> </paragraph>", "", $domString );
    $domString = str_replace ( "<paragraph />" , "", $domString );
    $domString = str_replace ( "<line />" , "", $domString );
    $domString = str_replace ( "<paragraph></paragraph>" , "", $domString );
    $domString = str_replace( "<paragraph>&nbsp;</paragraph>", "", $domString );
    $domString = str_replace( "<paragraph></paragraph>", "", $domString );
    $domString = preg_replace( "#[\n]+#", "", $domString );
    $domString = preg_replace( "#&lt;/line&gt;#", "\n", $domString );
    $domString = preg_replace( "#&lt;paragraph&gt;#", "\n\n", $domString );

    $xml = new eZXML();
    $tmpDom =& $xml->domTree( $domString, array( 'CharsetConversion' => false ) );
    $description = eZXMLTextType::domString( $tmpDom );

    $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_text', $description );

the error message is

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /var/www/ezpublish/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezxmltext/ezxmltexttype.php on line 340

the line 340 of ezxmltexttype.php is $domString = $domDocument->toString( $charset ); in the domString() function
so it refers to $domString = eZXMLTextType::domString( $inputData[0]); and it happens because $inputData[0] is empty.
it seems that in these 2 lines

 $simplifiedXMLInput = new eZSimplifiedXMLInput( $dumpdata, null, null );
    $inputData = $simplifiedXMLInput->convertInput( &$inputData );

the inputData has been lost (I have verified it with debug outputs) and I don't know why.
In a first time, I thought that it was an encoding problem and I used utf8_encode() to give
utf8 data to the function but the problem remains. I also tried to insert data without using dom and xml treatment,
only putting the data in the xml body (<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><section><paragraph>$attributeValue</paragraph></section>)
and set the attribute ($attribute->setAttribute( 'data_text', $description );) and it works,
but I believe there are reasons to do this xml treatment.
So, somebody knows where is the problem ?

Thanks for help

Kirill Subbotin

Wednesday 12 July 2006 12:29:52 am

Which eZp version are you using?

Fabio Carissimi

Wednesday 12 July 2006 2:13:22 am


This is eZpublish 3.8.0 with php 4.4.2, MySql 4.1.18, Apache 2.0.55 (on a Mandriva Linux Limited Edition 2005).

Thanks for help

Fabio Carissimi

Wednesday 12 July 2006 2:48:34 am

Your question helps me to find the problem,
I have upgraded to eZpublish 3.8.1 and it works fine

it was a bug and it has been fixed: see

Thanks for your help :-)

Kirill Subbotin

Wednesday 12 July 2006 3:46:01 am

I verified that fix, and found that it's not ok too. See my report

Here is the correct function for 3.8 :

function setEZXMLAttribute( &$attribute, &$attributeValue, $link = false )
    include_once( 'kernel/classes/datatypes/ezxmltext/handlers/input/ezsimplifiedxmlinputparser.php' );
    $contentObjectID = $attribute->attribute( "contentobject_id" );
    $parser = new eZSimplifiedXMLInputParser( $contentObjectID, false, 0 );

    $attributeValue = str_replace( "\r", '', $attributeValue );
    $attributeValue = str_replace( "\n", '', $attributeValue );
    $attributeValue = str_replace( "\t", ' ', $attributeValue );

    $document = $parser->process( $attributeValue );
    if ( !is_object( $document ) )
        $cli =& eZCLI::instance();
        $cli->output( 'Error in xml parsing' );
    $domString = eZXMLTextType::domString( $document );

    $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_text', $domString );

Fabio Carissimi

Wednesday 12 July 2006 9:06:24 am

I am using this one now and everything is ok
