Forums / Developer / Implementing existing VBulletin-forum with EzPublish-site

Implementing existing VBulletin-forum with EzPublish-site

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Kristoffer Raun

Friday 15 September 2006 5:33:01 am

Is it possible to implement existing VBulletin-forum with EzPublish-site
I have a big Vbulletin forum, where i want EzPublish and Vbulletin to share the same login/userdata.
Is this possible? I'm not interested in using the Ez-forum system, since the users already knows the existing forum layout and functions.

Best regards
Kristoffer Raun

<i>If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing.</i>
W. Edwards Deming

Łukasz Serwatka

Friday 15 September 2006 9:53:15 am

Yes, this is possible. You will need to make custom login handler as extension for eZ publish. There are some examples in contrib section. It should be easy to implement. We use custom login handler for connection between and which is eZ publish based. We use IPB members table.

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Kristoffer Raun

Wednesday 20 September 2006 5:37:50 am

Hi Lukasz

Thanks a lot for your answer. I've been looking into other CMS, but mostly they don't have the same options as eZ publish.
I will dig into it, and once I get it to work, I will report back.

Can i by chance see your custom login handler?

Best regards

<i>If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing.</i>
W. Edwards Deming


Wednesday 20 September 2006 5:58:10 am

What about getting rid of vb?

I did this for phpbb

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Kristoffer Raun

Wednesday 20 September 2006 12:32:17 pm

Hi Björn

Yes that is a possibility, but since i'm not in charge of which forum platform to use, i'm pretty much stuck to vbulletin. Also the users know their way around the forum by now.

But thanks anyway for your suggestions. If i get this to work, I will try to post a how-to...

Best regards

<i>If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing.</i>
W. Edwards Deming