Forums / Developer / Images in translation

Images in translation

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francesco gadio

Tuesday 21 October 2008 3:09:59 am

Hello I have this page in English with some text and images.
This is the link:

The same page is translated in Chinese and when I preview it in the CMS it looks fine.
The problem is that the images don't show up in the live site.
Take a look:

I don't think the images are in the media library but have just been uploaded into the page.
Is that the problem?
Any help is appreciated.

Thank you

Salvatore Guarino

Tuesday 21 October 2008 4:41:50 am

If you take a look at the html code of the translated page, you can see that images tags are not present, but there is another image: not present in the english version. Please check if in english and chinese version there is the same code, maybe in an xml field.
