Wednesday 14 October 2009 4:09:40 am
I found a generic (1 step) solution to the problem of generating thumbnails meeting the following requirements:
1) Use a given size, e.g. 180 x 140
2) Resize from center, no matter if original image is landscape or portrait 3) Crop the rest To use it just add the following lines in your image.ini.append.php
Filters[]=thumbnail=-resize x%4 -resize %3x< -resize 50% -gravity center -crop %1x%2+0+0 +repage
Now you can use the defined filter in your image aliases: The first two numbers are the x and y of your desired image size, the later two numbers are the double values of recent ones.
This will work with imagemagick versions below 6.3.8-3, if you have this or a newer version you could take advantage of the newly introduced ^ (Fill-Area-Flag). An (untested) Filter could like:
Filters[]=thumbnail1=-resize %1x%2^ -gravity center -extent %1x%2
Hope this saves some time for someone..
Best regards,